Universitat Rovira i Virgili



"sustainability, innovation and digitalization: new challenges for insurance law"

Tarragona, June 10 and 11, 2024

MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2024

12:00h-12:15h. Inauguration of the Congress

12:15h-13:00 h. Inaugural conference by Prof. Dr. José Miguel Embid Irujo. "From corporate social

                          responsibility to sustainability; the legal-commercial perspective".

13:00h-14:00 h. 1st session: Sustainability as a guiding principle of insurance activity

                           Moderator: Prof. Dr. Jesús Quijano González

                           Speakers: Prof.es Dr.es Maria Inês Viana de Oliveira Martins,

                           María Jesús Peñas Moyano, María Rocío Quintáns Eiras.

14:00h-16:00 h. Lunch

16:30h-17:30 h. 2nd session: Digitalization and innovation in insurance (I)

                           Moderator: Prof. Dr. Félix Benito Osma

                           Speakers: Prof.es Dr.es Jorge de Andrés Sánchez, Pablo Martínez-Gijón Machuca,

                           Abel B. Veiga Copo, Sr. D. Joaquín Alarcón Fidalgo.

17:30h-18:00 h. Coffee Break

18:00h-19:15 h. 2nd session: Digitalization and innovation in insurance (I)

                           Moderator: Prof.a Dr.a Teresa Franquet Sugrañes

                           Speakers: Prof.as Dr.as Covadonga Díaz Llavona, María Luisa Muñoz Paredes,

                           Elena F. Pérez Carrillo.

19:30h-20:30 h. Communications [face-to-face and online]

                           Moderator: Prof. Dr. Juan Pablo Gonzales Bustos

                           Topics: Sustainability, Digitalization and Innovation, New challenges of Insurance Law.

21:30 h. Dinner

TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2024 

9:00 h. Cultural visit: Roman Tarragona

            Reception café at Port of Tarragona

11:00h-13:00 h. 4th session: New challenges of Insurance Law: Terrestrial and Maritime fields

                          Moderator: Prof. Dr. Pablo Girgado Perandones

                          Speakers (terrestrial): Prof.es Dr.es Sara Landini, Alberto J. Tapia Hermida, Rafael La Casa


                          Speakers (maritime): Sr. José Manuel Martín Osante, Sr. D. Josep Lluís Diez Besora.

13:00-13:30 h. Closing conference by Prof. Dr. Rafael Illescas Ortiz. "The strengthening of the Rotterdam


13:45 h. Lunch